Tuesday 29 October 2013

Sri Aurobindo’s Views On Youth

Sri Aurobindo’s Views On Youth

v    Introduction :-
                             Sri Aurobindo was one of the most creative and dominant figure in the history of the Indian renaissance and Indian nationalism. We also called him a versatile genius, because he was a great poet, a profound thinker, a notable meta physician a great seer and ardent patriot. He was also a good human being, who such has a true human spirit.

                             Let’s first we discussed about his life and work.

v    His Life :-
                             Sri Aurobindo was born in Calcutta on 15 august 1872 at the age of seven he was taken to England for education and in 1890 went up to king’s college, Cambridge. In 1890 he passed the final examination for the Indian civil service.

                             In 1893 he came back to India and joined Baroda state service as professor of English in Baroda College. In 1906 he joined as principal of national college Calcutta but resigned the post in 1907 to join the national freedom movement. He was the first political leader in India to openly put forward in his journal Bande Mataram, the ideal of complete independence for the country.

                             Sri Aurobindo left his body on 5 December 1950. His contribution to modern Indian political thought may conveniently be summarized under four headings.

1.   Is concept of spiritual nationalism and divinity of motherland?
2.   His exposition of the ideal of complete freedom from foreign rule.
3.   His contribution to the theory of boycott and passive resistance.
4.   His vision of the high role that India was destined to play in world affairs and his ideal of human unity.
                             Now, we briefly discuss about Sri Aurobindo’s views on youth.

v    Sri Aurobindo’s views on youth :-
                   We discuss earlier that Sri Aurobindo was dominant figure in Indian Renaissance. And he became a very good human being, who was with the true human spirit. He spread his view in Indian Nationalism also. Because he was a great spirit if Indian Nationalism. He thinks lots of about his country and he continues work for his countries development with the help of his views in religion and youth.

                   When India was in half sleeping than Sri Aurobindo came with new idea. Sri Aurobindo came with new idea and written one essay in 1918 and entitled “the renaissance in India”. in this essay Sri Aurobindo presents us with a masterly view of India’s culture thought the ages her essential spirit and her characteristic soul, her unique genius and powers which gave her remarkably long periods of greatness and an unusually prolific creativity.

                   Sri Aurobindo believes that the Renaissance in India came with new hope and this new hope in India’s youth. When some great work done by some young people, we can say that why they do not work for their country. Sri Aurobindo believes in youth of India. And they also say that the youth is the main strength that they can do anything and they do for work in Indian renaissance.

                   When we re-examine Sri Aurobindo’s ideas today, we can even conclude that true gift of the renaissance was the modern Indian nation. The most important contribution on Sri Aurobindo to the discussion on the Indian renaissance is as is often the case with his work, in what is yet to be realized. Sri Aurobindo says that the rise of India is necessary for future of humanity itself. The third and most difficult task for the Indian renaissance has been the new creation that will come from a unique fusion of ancient Indian spirituality and modernity.

                   Sri Aurobindo’s hopes in youth that when we create a modern India, youth became a master key of create renaissance in India and create modernity in India, his hope with youth. He also believes youth means not physically youth but mentally. Who is mentally youth is called young of India.

                   Sri Aurobindo creates a modern India. And he think that when we create modern India. We get a spirit and this spirit came with youth. And Aurobindo also told that we get renaissance in India with the help of youth.

                   To active India’s “renaissance” Sri Aurobindo boldly and repeatedly called on his countrymen and youth to develop the Kshatriya spirit, almost lost after centuries of subjection:

                   “The Kshatriya of old mute again takes his rightful position in our social polity to discharge the first and foremost duty of defending its interests. The brain is important without the right arm of strength.”

                   This Kshatriya spirit half lot’s us to create modern India. Believed by Aurobindo and he told to youth of India that get this spirit and build new India.

v    Aurobindo’s Hopes in The youth :-

                   When Aurobindo tries to built modern India and get renaissances in India, his most of hopes in the youth. And his call is to young India. He call young and youth that the strength of India is youth and this strength is hope that came forward and built new India a modern India and renaissances in India.

                   “My God is Love
                                      And sweetly suffers all”
-      Sri Aurobindo

                   Sri Aurobindo believed that what India needs especially at this moment is the aggressive virtue, the spirit of soaring idealism, bold creation, and fearless, courageous attack; of the passive tams sic spirit of inertia we have too much. We need to cultivate another training and temperament, another habit of mind.

                   Sri Aurobindo’s hope in youth to built modern India and He also believe that youth strength is the major work do for making renaissance in India. And Sri Aurobindo also gives some examples of youth writer’s. Who gives their most important times to renaissance and literature? He gives names of like Sir William Jones (1746-1794), the founder of the Asiatic Society. The other grave in this chemistry is that of the young Eurasian pot, Henry Vivian Louis Derozio (1809-1831). The first of Indian English poets died before reaching the age of 22.

                   Sri Aurobindo’s most of hopes in youth because he believes some old idea cannot be erased by old people’s mind immediately. But the young generation can do these things very well because every new generation came with new idea. And the people of old thoughts they cannot suddenly changed and so, Aurobindo’s most hopes on youth.

                   Sri Aurobindo knew that every new generation came with new idea so his most of hopes on youth. He also says that, “Our call is to young India. It is the young who must be the builders of the new world not those who accept the competitive individualism, the capitalism or the materialistic communism of the west as India’s future Ideal, not those who are enslaved to old religious formulas and cannot believe in the acceptance and transformation of life by the spirit, but all who are free in mind and heart to accept a completer truth and labor for a greater ideal”

                   Sri Aurobindo told that with a new Idea came with youth is the best thing to build a new modern India and renaissance. Sri Aurobindo never tired of calling for what he termed a national education but also get renaissance in India also.

                    Sri Aurobindo’s hope in youth and new education. But he also told and believe that a new education start with past and its idea. Because he believes that when we built great nations some new thought necessary but we don’t forget the key of future’s things. And so he also fevers the past things also. He also says that the advance of the present is losing us the battle of life.

                   Aurobindo’s views on past was that he thinks that whenever we talk about something to future and rebuilt something. We don’t forget our past. Because whenever we learning in this time is coming with the help of past. So he called to younger’s that you learnt something about to past so it can be very helpful to you to create a new things. So Sri Aurobindo knew that youth is very much knowledge and with the help of this they do better things.

v    To Sum up :-

                   ‘Sri Aurobindo’ the man with some great things and dominant figure in Indian Renaissance was work for nation and his contribution to India is says that he was a person with some feeling of nationalism and he tried to built a modern India. And in his work’. The Renaissance in India. He wrote that his most of hope in youth to rebuilt and reshaping to India and get renaissance to India.

Theme of the Poetry: Wordsworth

Theme of the Poetry: Wordsworth

v Introduction

               William Wordsworth was a Romantic Age poet. And we also called that he was a dominant figure of the Romantic Age. He was a Romantic poet with high quality. And here we will discuss about his themes of poetry. But when we start about this topic we firstly have to know something about his life.
               Let’s have a glance on the life of Wordsworth & his works in detail.

v His Life

               William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 at Cockermouth, Cumberland. Out warmly his long and uneventful life divides itself naturally in to four periods.

1.    His childhood and youth, in the Cumberland Hills, form 1770 to 1787.

2.    A period of uncertainly, of storm and stress, including his university life at Cambridge, his travels abroad, and his revolutionary experience, from 1787 to 1797.

3.    A short but significant period of finding himself and his work, form 1797 to 1799.

4.    A long period of retirement in the northern lake region, where he was born, and where for a full half century he lived so close to nature that her influence is reflected in all his poetry. When one has outlined these four periods he was told almost all that can be told of a life which is marked, not by events, but largely by spiritual experiences.

               William Wordsworth passed away on April 27, 1850.

v His work
               To analyse the works of William Wordsworth, it is necessary to discuss about them, which were more readable. Therefore let’s illustrate his works in details.

v His Famous works:

1.    Prelude.
2.    Lyrical Ballad.
3.    Upon the west minister bridge.
4.    Daffodils.
5.    The Rainbow.

               William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge both were very close friends. And their joint publications were Lyrical Ballads. And it was published in 1798. And it was the major part in English literature to establish the Romantic Age. In this edition 23 poems were published, in which 19 were written by Wordsworth and rest of the poem belonged to Coleridge. In this edition Wordsworth & Coleridge state that the poems in the collection were intended as a deliberate experiment in style and subject matter.

               Wordsworth elaborated on this idea in the Preface to the 1800 and 1802 editions which outline this main idea of a new theory of poetry. This Preface to Lyrical Ballads is considered a central work of Romantic literary theory.

               In this Preface to Lyrical Ballads Wordsworth discusses about the elements of a new type of poetry and in this he used the language of man and avoid the concepts of the poetic diction of 18th century poetry and create a new kind of poetry and use the language of men.

               Wordsworth gives his famous definition of poetry as,

The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;
   It takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”.

                   Let’s see what according to Wordsworth should be the theme of poetry in detail.

According to Wordsworth: The Themes of Poetry

               William Wordsworth is known as a nature poet. Because his most poems are about nature. His best poem in my sight is Daffodils. In this poem his point of view about nature is very clear and he defined everything clearly. He used nature elements beautifully.

               Here we talk about “The Theme of poetry with the help of Preface to Lyrical Ballad”. His enormous poetic legacy rests on a large number of poems written by him. But the themes that run through Wordsworth’s poetry remained consistent throughout. Even the language and imagery he used to embody those themes remained remarkably consistent. They remained consistent to the canons Wordsworth had set out the “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”.

               In the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads (1802), he wrote Preface to defend himself from the negative reviews. Wordsworth argued that poetry should be written in the real and simple language of common men rather than very high and beautiful that was then considered “Poetic”. Because of using real and simple language in poetry so that common men can understand the meaning of poetry easily and know about the poetry. And the help of this the common men get interest to read the poetry.

               Wordsworth believed that,

The first principle of poetry should be pleasure and so the chief duty of poetry is to provide pleasure through a rhythmic and beautiful expression of feeling. All human sympathy he asserted is based on a subtle pleasure principle that is the naked and native dignity of man”.

                Wordsworth’s poetic creed initiated the Romantic era emphasizing feeling, instinct and pleasure above formality and mannerism. More than any poet before him, Wordsworth gave expression to inchoate human emotion.

               In the Advertisement to the 1798 edition of Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth and Coleridge state that the poem in the collection were intended as a deliberate experiment in style and subject matter. Wordsworth elaborated on this idea in the Preface to the 1800 and 1802 edition which outline his main ideas of new theory of poetry. Wordsworth explained his poetical concept.

The majority of the following poems are to be considered as experiments. They were written chiefly with a view to ascertain how far the language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted to the purpose of poetic pleasure”.

               To use a real and simple language experiment was not enough of the focus on simple, uneducated country people as the subject of poetry was a signal of sift to modern literature. One of the main themes of Lyrical Ballads is the return to the original state of nature, in which man led a purer and more innocent existence. With the help of this Wordsworth tries to say that his intention of using real and simple language and using nature in poem is just not of understand but it more than is that man was essentially good and was corrupted by the influence of society. With the help of this idea that nature using in poetry with the real and simple common men language used to understand the purity of nature and people came out in corrupted society and understood how the nature playing beautifully role in their life. And knows more about the detail of nature and knows the role of nature in this society and nature is nothing for but surrounded by them.

               In the “Preface” Wordsworth also emphasizes his commitment writing in the ordinary language of people, not a highly crafted poetical one. True to traditional ballad form, the poems depict realistic characters in realistic situations, and so contain a strong narrative element.

               Let’s see the major themes of Wordsworth’s poetry.

1.    Nature.
2.    Memory.
3.    Morality.
4.    Transcendence and Connectivity.
5.    Religion.
6.    The power of the human mind.
7.    The splendor of childhood.

               These are the major themes of Wordsworth’s poetry. With the help of this he wrote many beautiful poems. Let’s see one of his major themes in detail and with the help of this we understand the theme of poetry using by Wordsworth.

Ø Nature

               As we discussed earlier that Wordsworth was a romantic and nature poet. In his most of poems he used nature very beautifully. In this poem nature plays a role and nature is a character. In his most of poem he used nature mostly and characterized very well, so he called nature poet.

Come forth into the light of things
 Let nature be your Teacher

               No discussion on Wordsworth would be complete without mention of nature. Throughout Wordsworth’s work nature provides the ultimate good influence on the human mind.

               Above all we may say that he was the priest of Nature.

               Let us short review Wordsworth views on the theme and subject matter of poetry.

Ø Object

               The main object in these poems was to choose incidents and situations from common life and describe them, throughout, as far as possible in a selection of language really used by men.

Ø Language

               In this poems Wordsworth use the language of common men. He used the real and simple language in these poems, so the common men can understand the real meaning of these poems.

v Definition of Poetry

               For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling; and though this be the true, poems to which any value can be attached were never produced on any variety of subjects but by a man who being possessed more than usual organic sensibility, had also thought long and deeply.

v To wind up

               Ultimately, we may clarify that the themes of poetry should be about Nature as well as rustic life. Further, he discusses that the language of poetry must be easy & simple so that the readers can understand very well at the first reading.     

Gulliver's Travels : Difference between Movie and Novel

Gulliver's Travels : Difference between 

Movie and Novel

v    Introduction :-

                             “Gulliver’s Travels” is a beautiful novel by Jonathan Swift. And we all know that Jonathan Swift was a good novelists and prose writer. In this novel, he talks about the story of one man’s travelling. A travelling story of Gulliver and in this novel there are some movies are done. And with the help of this there are some animation movie also made and with the help of this there are some animation movie also made and some of movie’s made by Hollywood. But in the novel and in the movie, they both not similar but some of the difference between movie and novel. Here we discussed the difference between movie and novel. When we start discussion on this topic first we know something about Jonathan Swift’s life.

v    Jonathan Swift’s life :-

                             Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin in 1667. His father died before his birth. His condition was poor. The life of Swift is just such a living tragedy. He was a dominant prose writer of this Neo-Classical age. Swift is the greatest English satirist from a literary point of view, the next important period of his life starts from 1710. Because his most famous works were written during 1710 to 1730.

v    His works :-

                             Jonathan Swift wrote many novel and his most famous works are,

ü Gulliver’s Travels
ü The Battle of the books
ü A tale of Tub
ü A Modest Proposal

v    Difference between movie and novel  :-

                             First of all there is a big difference between the contents in which both works were done. And when we read a book and see the movie of “Gulliver’s Travels”. We can easily identify the difference between movie and novel. According to the literary work written by Jonathan Swift, the story is settled in the early 18th century and there it is mentioned that Gulliver departs was from England.

                             Gulliver’s Travels have a lot of satire. Swift has a both of characteristic humor and critic. He was a quiet good satire. And in the Gulliver’s travels with the help of humor and critic, his attack British and European society through his used humor and also satire the people and culture and also satire on politics also.

                             In Gulliver’s Travels we see the power of politics in the novel. This novel also represents the power politics. We can also say that in this novel one of the themes is power and dealing with another is most imported. Gulliver’s Travels is about a specific set of political conflicts which can be appreciated in the rivalry between Lilliputians and the people from Blefuscu. It resembles the political conflicts of the time in England.

                             In this novel with the use of the theme and things like power politics Swift can told the thing that how the situation of politics in that time. And how the people suffering. Swift’s also satire on politicians in that time and in this time also to saw and told the one thing that when men get a power and position how he and she react with another and what happened with another also. So we can understand these things easily.

                             Further we discussed about the book “Gulliver’s Travels” now let’s see how the movie is different and what the thing can be changeable in the real one. Let’s see some imported things in the movie and novel.

                             When we know that the story and the book by Jonathan Swift is settled in the early 18th century. And also see that Gulliver departs from London what means that he was from England. Otherwise the movie is developed in our current times (the 21st century) and it begins in a post office in New York City in the US. It is modern time and it is adapted to modern times and it is resembled in the use of very know movies like star wars Titanic and the use of the song “Kiss” of Tom Jones. So we can easily saw that the time period of both is different. So it is necessary that the change in movie is requiring because of time.

                             When we read the book, we cannot feel the closeness in some way because the director of the movie tries to create a feeling of closeness to the audience. In despite of that, the movie has a lot of irony and fun which to remember this new version.

                             When we discussed about on the difference between movie and novel we also know about that we compare some of the elements of the movie and the nook. And when we deeply discussed about the difference between movie and novel, then we saw the difference in both of them with the help of some of the points.

ü Characters from Gulliver’s Travels
ü Special Features
ü Did something happen in the book that did not appear in movie then?

v    Characters from Gulliver’s Travels :-

                             Gulliver’s Travels have some characters that appear in both versions in the movie and in the book. However, if we compare the same characters in both, we know something firstly that the characters in both have different personalities. When we compare the characters which is same in both version and what similarity in both the character first we know the things about the Gulliver’s character.

                             When we saw the Gulliver’s character in the version of the book, we saw that a character that is intelligent and very literate. And the movie shown as not as very intelligent and he usually fails in his tasks. And on the one hand, the movie shows us a funny and a fearful character and on the other hand, the book shows us a character that represents respect, braveness and intelligence.

                             Other character that appears in Gulliver’s Travels is “the emperor is a person that sets the rules in Lilliput and is respected by everybody. However in the movie this character is disrespected by the people of Lilliput and he is not able to rule at all.

                             In the book, the Princess is a character that is shown as a powerful person, but in the version of the movie she is just a charm and lovely woman that is in love with a farmer. Actually he does not take any important decision. In the book she is in love with Gulliver, but in the case of the movie, she just thinks that he is a good person.

                             So, this is the difference between some of the character which same character in both the version and difference between them. And we can easily understand the difference between these characters.

v    Special Features :-

                             When we discussed about the deference of the special features in the book version the one question arise in our mind and though about on things. And the question is…
          “Is the new movie of the Gulliver’s Travels a Scientific?
           Story, or is it closer to a long advertisement?”

                             Then we talk like that it is may be a totally new version of the story, something like the new Gulliver’s Travels of what we are sure is that the movie was a quite funny movie but it was very different from the real book. Actually it added many things that never really appeared or happened in the literary piece of Jonathan Swift published the first time in 1726. Those things that happened only in one of the works, call them special features.

v     Did something happen in the book do not appeared in the movie then? :-

                             The answer is of course it happened but as you can figure out those things was not really related to objects and brands that a developed and capitalist culture would include in their works.

                    It is we can easily understand with the help of those differences.

                             Gulliver was severely punished when he urinated the Queen chamber. That scene also appeared in the movie, but in this case “the Big Beast” was seen as a protector and for the same reason he became more reliable to the Lilliputians.

                             The Lilliputians were not as friendly with Gulliver in the book (when he was in prison) as they were with him in the movie, since in the literary work Gulliver was condemned to get blinded and die of starvation after he urinated the Castle.

                            In the book Gulliver left once he repaired his ship with his own hands. He left Lilliput all alone, without any partner with him. Did he return to his warm house far away from any problem and adventure? Actually he did. But he returned and stayed there just for two months and then he started his next sea voyage only to arrive to a country of Giants.

                             So, this is the answer of above question that of course something happen in the movie which can happen in the book also. This thing happens in the movie also. But it can happen in different way and one cannot understood this things or different in the first way. So it can saw also a different between both of version.

v    To summing up :-  

                             So, after long discussion and know about all the things of the book and the movie “Gulliver’s Travels”. We can easily understand the difference between the movie and the book. And what’s the element and things can different in both version. So we can say that some of things can similar and some difference also in the movie and the book “Gulliver’s Travels”.