Sunday, 30 March 2014

Archetypal Criticism

Archetypal Criticism
              -Northrop Frye


          Northrop Fry was born in Canada in 1921 and studied at Toronto University and Merton College, Oxford University. Initially he was a student of Theology and then he switched over to literature defined an archetype as a symbol, usually an image, which recurs often enough in literature to be recognizable as an element of one’s literary experience as a whole.

          He published his first book, ‘Fearful Symmetry: A study of William Blake’ in 1947. The book is a highly original study of the poetry of Blake and it is considered a classic critical work. Northrop Frye rose to international prominence with the publication of              ‘Anatomy of Criticism’ in 1957 and it firmly established him as one of the most brilliant, original and influential of modern critics. Frye died in 1991. On the whole, he wrote about twenty books on western literature, culture, myth, archetypal theory, religion and social thought. ‘The Fables of Identity: Studies in poetic Mythology’ is a critical work published in 1963.

           The present essay, ‘Archetypes of Literature’ is taken from the book. In the essay Frye critically analyses literature against the backdrop of rituals and myths. He interprets literature in the light of various rituals and myths. Frye has divided the essay into three parts. The first part deals with the concept of archetypal criticism. The second part throws light on the inductive method of analysis of a text. The third part focuses on the deductive method of analysis. All the methods full under structural criticism. Another way of thinking about archetypes is to imagine that in some way it is possible to plot the important aspects of a story onto a graph.

          First, the question may rise what is Archetypal Criticism? And the answer of this is in literary criticism the term archetype suggests narrative designs, patterns of action, character types, themes and images which are known to a wide verity of works of literature also to myths, dreams and even social rituals. Carl G. Jung (1975-1961) says it the, “collective unconsciousness” of the human race and are expressed in myths, religion, freams also in works of literature. Thus in literature it becomes an archetypal criticism.

          It is generally said that there are many practitioners of various types of archetypal criticism like G. Wilson Knight, Robert Graves, Philip wheelwright, Richard chase, Leslie fielder and tossup Campbell. They have emphasized on the events of mythical patterns in literature. They believe that myths are closest to the archetypal literature. Rather than the writers who write only for the sake of their fame.

          Literature can be interpreted in as many ways as possible, and there are different approaches to literature and one among them is the archetypal approach. The term ‘archetype’ means an original idea or pattern of something of which others are copies. Archetypal approach is the interpretation of a text in it, and these cultural patterns are based on the myths and rituals of race or nation or social group. The ‘collective consciousness’ is a major theory if Jung. according to Jung, civilized man ‘unconsciously’ preserves the ideas,  concepts and values of life cherished by his distant forefathers, and such ideas are expressed in a society’s or race’s myths and rituals. Creative writers have used myths in their works and critics analyze text is called archetypal criticism. T.S.Eliot has used mythical patterns in his creative works and the wate land is a good example of it.


          Like science literary criticism is also a systematized and organized body of knowledge. Science dissects and analyses nature and facts. Similarly literary criticism analysis and interprets literature. Frye further says that literary criticism and it’s theirs and techniques can be taught, but literature cannot be taught dather it is to be felt and enjoyed. This kind of criticism will give only the background information about a work. A meaningless criticism will distract the reader from literature.  Literature is a part of humanities and humanities include philosophy and history also. These two branches of knowledge provide a kind of pattern for understanding literature.


          These are different types of criticism and most of them remain commentaries on texts. There is a type of criticism, which focuses only on an analysis of a text. Such a criticism confines itself to the text and does not give any other background information about the text. This type of formalistic or structural criticism will help the readers in understanding a text only to some extent. What the readers, require today is a synthesis of structural criticism and historical criticism. Archetypal criticism is a synthesis of structural criticism and historical criticism.


          Science explores nature and different branches of science explore different aspects of nature. Physics is a branch of science, which explores matter and natural forces of the universe. Physics and astronomy gained their scientific significance and they were accepted as branches of science during the renaissance. Social science assumed their significance as part of science in the twentieth century. Similarly, literary criticism today, has become systematic in its analysis and there fore it could be considered as a science. Based on this concept a work of literature may be critically evaluated, says Northrop Frye


Structural criticism & Inductive Analysis

          Towards the close of the first section, Frye contends that structural criticism will help a reader in understanding a text, and in this analysis, he proceeds inductively. That is from particular truths. Owing to jealousy, Othello, in the Shakespearean play, inflicts upon himself affliction and this is the particular truth of the general truth of life that jealousy is always destructive. This is called the inductive method of analysis under structural criticism and Frye disuses this in detail in this section of the essay.

Archetypal criticism and its facets

          Archetypal criticism is an all inclusive them. It involves the efforts of many specialists, and at every stage of interpretation of a text, it is based “on a certain kind of scholarly organization. An editor is needed to “élan up” the text; a rhetorician analyses the narrative pase; a philologist scrutinizes the choose and significance of words; a literary social historian studies the evolution of myths and rituals.


          An archetypal critic, under the deductive method of analysis proceeds to establish the meaning of a work from the general truth to the particular truth. Literature is like music and painting. Rhythm is an essential characteristic of music and painting, pattern is the chief virtue. Rhythm in music is temporal and pattern in painting is spatial. In literature both rhythm and pattern is spatial. In literature both rhythm and pattern are recurrence of images, forms and words. In literature rhythm means the narrative and the narrative presents all the events and episodes as a sequence and hastens action.


          Frye has written ‘the Archetypes of literature’ in 1951 and then ‘Anatomy of criticism’ in 1957 which is his one of the well-renowned works. In his book “Anatomy of criticism” Frye has covered most the archetypal approaches in the theory of literature and the practice of literature criticism.

          In his ‘Archetypes of literature’ Frye outlines a theory of the arts in general and literature in particular which would be developed more fully in his celebrated “Anatomy of criticism”

          Frye’s project is to identify and classify the archetypes of literature. The four ‘mythos’ that we are dealing with like, comedy, romance, tragedy and irony or satire.

          Frye uses the season in his archetypal schema. Each season is attached with a literary genre, for example;

Comedy with spring,
Romance with summer,
Tragedy with autumn and
Satire or irony with winter.

          Fry gives the context of a genre determines how a symbol and image is to be interpreted.  He gives five different views of different fields like, human, animal, vegetation, mineral and water.


          For Frye this, ‘New poetics’ is to be found in the principal of the mythological framework, which as come to be known as ‘Archetypal criticism’.

Essentially: “What criticism can do?”

According to Frye;

“Is awaken students to
Successive levels of awareness
Of the mythology that lies
Behind the ideology in which
Their society indoctrinates

          Unlike Freud’s concept, myths are collective and communal and so bring a sense of wholeness and togetherness to social life. People and the whole civilized have their own mythologies, but there may be the common Jung called ‘Archetypes’.

          There are Frye’s four essays titled,

1.    “Historical criticism”- A theory of modes.
2.    “Ethical criticism”- A theory of symbols.
3.    “Archetypal criticism”- A theory of myths.
4.    “Rhetorical criticism”- A theory of genres.
From all these we are concerned with Frye’s “Archetypal criticism” which suggests a theory of myths. This third essay has possibility been Frye’s most identifying the four seasons with four main plots or “mythoi” as we have seen earlier.


          Richter explains that for Frye:

“Each generation rewrites
The stories of the past in
Ways that make sense for
It, recycling a vast
Tradition over the eyes.”

          Of the different approaches of literary criticism, Northrop Frye has established the validity of the archetypal approach and its relevance in the elucidation of a text. About mythology, as it is the third theory of the essay ‘Archetypal criticism’, Frye points out there are only a few species of myth though there are an infinite numbers of individual myths. For example, these species or archetypes of myths include

“Myths of creation, of fall,
Of exodus and migration of
The destruction, of the human
Race in the past or the future,
And of redemption.”

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